Sound Healing | Energy Healing | Somatic Bodywork


The practices of sound healing and relaxation have yielded some of the deepest meditations for me. Our bodies, made mostly of water, are impacted greatly by the vibrations from sound healing instruments. We are often in need of rest and when our bodies rest, they heal. I use singing bowls, gong and percussion instruments, such as the rain stick, bells and chimes, paired with guided meditations and breath practices to create a soundscape you can fully relax into.



A session of relaxation and sound healing can help you let go and reset. This can feel good before an important and potentially stressful event, or to set the tone for a weekend retreat. Reach out and we can create an experience of peace and inner exploration for yourself and your loved ones. 


Sound & Energy Healing

Base Rate $150 per 1 hour session | 5 sessions for $700

Sessions are available in Litchfield, Connecticut, or at your location. Rates are subject to adjustments based on travel time.

Sound Healing sessions are perfect for individuals and groups who are looking to share in an energetically healing experience with one another.

During a private healing session, I tune into the force of All Love to clear myself and allow my clients to feel fully grounded. This feeling of being energetically held can help someone feel safe enough to drop into relaxation, release energetic blocks and experience a new level of healing.

Please reach out if you desire an energy healing session with or without the sound healing instruments. Guided breath practices, grounding meditations, hands on healing and assisted stretching might be included to best nourish the body, mind and spirit.


Somatic Bodywork

Base Rate $200 per 2 hour session

Sessions are available in Litchfield, Thomaston and Washington, CT.

Somatic Bodywork is an incredible way to safely feel and process stored trauma in the body. A session may include rounds of guided breathwork - both activating and resourcing - aligned with bodywork to release and regulate. I may offer guided movement or meditation practices in addition to bodywork techniques and assisted stretching. Each somatic bodywork session is vastly different, depending on the needs of the client. Some are ready for activation - others need a space to fully ground and be held. The bodywork techniques with shift depending on your intention.

I look forward to working with you and holding space for your healing journey.


Public Relaxation & Sound Healing

A group relaxation and sound healing session can be profound. The presence of each person adds to the energetic web of support we create when we gather together. I love to collaborate with other musicians and sound healers for special classes and events.